I don’t want to do it but I will do it anyway.

In life, much of what we do involves completing daily tasks without emotional investment. Learning to collaborate with an empath has been enlightening for me. Empathy, often dismissed as a less valuable trait, perhaps due to its association with femininity, emotions, or relationships, proves to be a breakthrough for those seeking to understand a common vulnerability.

Intentionality stands in stark contrast to this mindset as it demands active engagement. It involves contributing something meaningful, something that wasn’t there before. It’s crucial to recognize that empaths discern the difference between mere checkboxes and genuine involvement.

We shouldn’t disregard the misdirected intention, which manifests as the desire to evade a task by diverting attention to another. It’s a way of avoiding something undesirable by prioritizing a different task. While it may seem inconspicuous to most, an empath will notice.

So, why aren’t we seeing results? Was there a genuine change of heart, or merely a shift in outcomes?

Being intentional requires dedication, concentration, and repetition to transform what used to be merely a checkbox.