Is God an awesome God without a 501c3?

The Fear

Today the Government has weaponized the 501c3 tax return policy holding the church hostage. Churches are afraid to participate in any type of political opinion for fear that they will lose their 501c3 status. Have we allowed an entity to come in and rob us of our opinion and influence because of money?

Many times we have heard the Pastors ask for us to approach the altar and ask for forgiveness of sins. When is the leadership going to do the same? There are some that stand up to this, yes, but the majority do not.

Is this the case with the congregation you are responsible for? Ask yourself this question, “Can we do without it?”.

What comes to mind first? Note the fear and the excuses along with the planning of how to work around it.

What beliefs have you allowed to take root?
Does it interfere with the ability to give to the community?
Will tithes no longer come in because they are not deductible?

Is God an awesome God without a 501c3?

How Big is your Mountain?

The former Church moved and everyone else listened, now the opposite is true. The mountain has become a molehill and there is little or no objection to the perversion that has blossomed on our watch.

Where is the outrage to the treasonous acts of a failing President and the outrage over a false vaccination and mask mandates? Even more where are the protests against giving away our children’s future to another country? And about J6 prisoners being held without due process? Is gender blocking medication on children okay?

What has to be done to get the church to WAKE UP and respond to the atrocities of the bold-faced lies from the media?

Is it the Teachings?

We are taught to go low, pray about it, and we are on the other side of the cross now. We termed “righteous anger” over, I guess regular anger as if that makes a difference. Our approach has become God will take care of it, hiding behind him as the Israelites did instead of going after the Philistine giant like David and cutting off the head of the enemy. Why? Because we have lost what it means to battle, fight, and stand up for our beliefs.

Have you read Aesop’s Fable of the Tree and the Axe? It is a very good representation of what has happened, the axe is the Government and the tree is the Church.

When our first question about participating in a church is about its children’s programs instead of its social impact we have a problem. Or 98% of what happens in the church doesn’t require the Holy Spirit we have a problem. And the only conversations in the church are monologues from the pulpit we have a problem.

Fear of Man

The fear of man is an ugly thing, it sneaks in on the culture, establishing its roots deep in a false representation of control and the vile portrayal of entitlement.

It’s time we take accountability and repent for the swapping of justice for mammon. For allowing those things we have fought for to simply pass through our hands losing generations to what the church really stood for. Let us show what it takes to stand our ground, fight for what is right, and not worry about the consequences of man.