Do we approach people the same way God approaches us? I mean if God approached us with attitude or skepticism, what would that look like?

Oh man here is Tom again, I wonder what he is going to ask for today? Or better yet, wow that sin is really visible, not sure I want to get too close, he might get some on me.

Do we see sin when we approach people? Are we sin-seers? All but our own sometimes I think. If God approached us the same way we approach others would we have ever gotten saved? Redeemed? Restored?

I am not saying that the ignoring of sin is the trick for getting people saved, even know we don’t get people saved Jesus does. I am simply talking about how we overflow to others. Can they smell us coming from a mile away? Can they sense that we are just trying to sell them something? Try asking where are they at instead of where we are.

Something to think about:

We are all connected in the spirit in some form or fashion. Saved and unsaved. We are seen before we see physically. It’s not about flesh and blood so what is it about?

How we approach someone is important. How we are seen spiritually is important. When we are covering ourselves in prayer perhaps its more about what we put on and not so much what we get off.