Could it be that the challenge is nothing more than oil and water? Why does it seem that those that do unhealthy things appear to have no problem with them, whereas others are torn apart about the decisions that are made?

Our internal conflicts are nothing more than the disrupted peace that is the system’s default. The conflict is the disruption of agreement causing internal discontent with what we are believing and feeling. Our brains have a natural tendency to defend the things that we believe, whether it is right or wrong.

Thinking about who I am and what it means, what is the conflict that occurs inside of me when I am not liking something on the outside? Truly it’s an in-and-out revolving door for some people. It’s a processing of information that pulls and pushes us in our daily lives. It reminds me of those doors that spin in a circle where we can get dizzy pushing them around and around.

The conflict occurs when we have given a place for things to reside that don’t play well together.

In my story I accepted Christ later in life after being raised a Catholic. What does that mean? Well, it was a spiritual space that I felt I was missing out on based on the information I had at the time. It was not that Catholicism is wrong, it was that I knew there was more than I was being taught. So from that point I took what I knew and proceeded to look into the curiosity in front of me.

With that decision, accepting Christ, I became something that before I was not. I became a new man, reborn, birthed into something I have never seen before. Like every new birth there is a growing and a maturing that would need to take place over time.

Now my spirit recognizes conflict that before I would have just ignored. Why? Because oil and water don’t mix but they can reside in the same container. I have learned to understand that where I have conflict, I may not have the proper beliefs. My emotions collide with the righteousness or holiness that I am learning about or are accustomed to. In turn the conviction of Gods goodness challenges my heart to investigate.

This is a lifelong journey.